Therapeutic Potential of L-Carnosine and Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Human Diseases

Discover the therapeutic potential of L-Carnosine and its derivatives in treating vascular complications, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and schizophrenia.

Abstract Summary:

  • Vascular complications, including atherosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy, and retinopathy, are severe manifestations of diabetes.
  • Advanced Glycation (AGEs) and Lipoxidation (ALEs) end-products contribute to these complications.
  • L-Carnosine acts as a quencher of the AGE/ALE precursors Reactive Carbonyl Species (RCS), which are reactive aldehydes derived from oxidative and non-oxidative modifications of sugars and lipids.
  • L-Carnosine has shown effectiveness in several disease models where glyco/lipoxidation plays a central pathogenic role.
  • L-Carnosine's use as a dietary supplement would require multiple daily doses due to its rapid turnover in the body because of serum and tissue carnosinase enzymes.
  • Strategies are being developed based on resistance of L-Carnosine analogs to enzymatic turnover or β-alanine supplementation.

Other Noted Benefits:

  • L-Carnosine and its derivatives are potential therapeutic agents in many diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and schizophrenia.
  • L-Carnosine can prevent long-term glucose toxicity resulting from insufficient glucose-lowering therapy and lipotoxicity.
  • It may help reduce the clinical and economic burden of vascular complications of diabetes and related metabolic disorders.


3rd Party Research

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