Anti-cancer actions of L-Carnosine and the restoration of normal cellular homeostasis

Discover the potential anti-cancer benefits of L-Carnosine in promoting healthy aging and maintaining cellular homeostasis.

Abstract Summary:

  • L-Carnosine is a naturally occurring dipeptide found in meat and can also be synthesized from the amino acids, β-alanine and L-histidine.
  • It has been advocated for use as an antioxidant and anti-glycating agent to promote healthy aging.
  • There have been reports of L-Carnosine having anti-proliferative effects beneficial against the development of various cancers.
  • L-Carnosine can undertake multiple molecular processes, but its mechanism of action remains controversial in both healthy tissues and those associated with cancer or metabolic diseases.
  • The article reviews the current understanding of its mechanistic role in different physiological contexts related to cancer.
  • L-Carnosine turns over rapidly in the body due to the presence of serum and tissue carnosinase enzymes. Therefore, its use as a dietary supplement would require multiple daily doses.
  • Strategies are being developed based on resistance of L-Carnosine analogs to enzymatic turnover or β-alanine supplementation.

Other Noted Benefits:

  • L-Carnosine has anti-oxidant and anti-glycating properties that facilitate healthy aging.
    It has anti-proliferative effects beneficial against various cancers.
  • L-Carnosine can scavenge reactive species.


3rd Party Research

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