Use of L-Carnosine for Oxidative Stress Reduction in Different Pathologies

Learn about the powerful antioxidant properties of L-Carnosine and its use in various pathologies associated with oxidative stress.

Abstract Summary:

  • L-Carnosine, the natural dipeptide β-alanyl-L-histidine, has antioxidant properties.
  • Effective in various pathologies, especially those associated with oxidative stress.
  • The article emphasizes its use in neurological and mental diseases, alcoholism, and conditions with increased free-radical processes and oxidative stress.

Other Noted Benefits:

  • L-Carnosine is synthesized and found in human muscle and nervous tissues.
  • It's easily absorbed in the digestive tract, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and has high bioavailability.
  • L-Carnosine has a membrane-stabilizing action.
  • It can impact the body's antiradical protection system.
  • L-Carnosine accelerates the metabolism of cortisol and noradrenaline released into the blood under stress, reducing oxidative stress.
  • It's a buffer for mixed-valence metal ions and reactive oxygen species.
  • L-Carnosine can form complexes with various metal ions, which play a role in metabolic processes and can activate free-radical processes.
  • It has anti-glycating and anti cross linking properties.
  • L-Carnosine can form adducts with reactive and cytotoxic carbonyl species, protecting biomolecules from oxidative/carbonyl stress.
  • In human cell cultures, adding L-Carnosine increases cell longevity.


3rd Party Research

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