Physiological Roles of L-Carnosine in Myocardial Function and Health

Learn about the physiological roles of L-Carnosine in myocardial function and health. 

Abstract Summary:

  • L-Carnosine is a histidine-containing dipeptide synthesized from β-alanine and L-histidine.
  • It has therapeutic potential in myocardial tissue, playing a beneficial role in both healthy and diseased myocardial models.
  • The review discusses carnosine's role in myocardial function and health, including its metabolic pathway in myocardial tissue, its roles in the myocardium, and its effects on myocardial function.

Other Noted Benefits:

  • L-Carnosine is abundant in skeletal muscle and the central nervous system.
    It's known for its role as an intracellular pH buffer, especially in skeletal muscle, and as an ergogenic aid to exercise capacity and performance.
  • L-Carnosine has therapeutic potential across various pathological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and aging populations.
  • In the cardiovascular system, carnosine's physiological roles could involve regulating calcium handling and sensitivity, quenching reactive oxygen species (ROS), detoxifying reactive aldehydes, chelating transition metal ions, and improving histological and hemodynamic parameters.
  • L-Carnosine could play important roles within healthy and diseased hearts, improving calcium handling and muscle contractility in a healthy model, and addressing oxidative stress, myocardial injury markers, and morphological and histological parameters in a diseased model.


3rd Party Research

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